Duet update from Sapphire & Duet Appliance – HP comes into play

April 25th, 2007 admin Posted in Duet Comments Off on Duet update from Sapphire & Duet Appliance – HP comes into play

At Sapphire SAP & Microsoft announced the extended roadmap for Duet 2.0 and Duet 3.0.

Microsoft and SAP will extend their Duet partnership with two more major versions aligned with the next generation of Microsoft’s Office and SAP’s Business Suite. New scenarios include sales and supply chain management beyond ESS/MSS. There also seems to be a momentum building towards extended use of Sharepoint Server for unstructured data and collaboration – though Netweaver Portal will continue to be critical to the architecture. There are also enhanced Duet tools and infrastructure interwoven with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.

Duet 2.0, is planned for the end of 2008 and Duet 3.0 is planned to be released soon after the next generation of SAP® Business Suite applications and Microsoft Office software, including Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server.

Check www.duet.com and http://www.sapmendocino.com

In addition, together with HP, SAP and Microsoft also announced Duet Appliance – a pre-installed and configured Duet solution based on HP servers. You can see http://www.sap.com/company/press/press.epx?pressid=7577 for more information.

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